Visual Imitation Made Easy

Sarah Young
Dhiraj Gandhi
Shubham Tulsiani
UC Berkeley
Abhinav Gupta
Pieter Abbeel
Lerrel Pinto
UC Berkeley
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Visual imitation learning provides a framework for learning complex manipulation behaviors by leveraging human demonstrations. However, current interfaces for imitation such as kinesthetic teaching or virtual reality based control prohibitively restricts our ability to collect large-scale data in the wild. Obtaining such diverse demonstration data is paramount for the generalization of learned skills to novel, previously unseen scenarios. In this work, we present an alternate interface for imitation that simplifies the data collection process, while allowing for easy transfer to robots. We re-purpose commercially available reacher-grabber assistive tools with a mounted camera to collect visual demonstrations. On the robot's end, we attach a similar tool albeit with an actuator mechanism to control the fingers. To extract action information from the collected visual demonstrations, we use off-the-shelf Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques, while to extract grasping actions, we train a finger detection network on a small hand-labelled dataset. We experimentally evaluate on two challenging tasks: non-prehensile pushing and prehensile stacking, with 1000 diverse demonstrations for each task. For both tasks, we use standard visual behavior cloning to learn executable policies from the previously collected offline demonstrations. To improve learning performance, we employ a variety of data augmentations and provide an extensive analysis of its effect. On real robotic scenarios with previous unseen objects, our robot achieves a 87% success rate on pushing, and a 62% success rate on stacking, which demonstrates the utility of our interface for learning difficult manipulation skills.

Tool Used to collect data

We used commercially available Reacher-Grabber and attached GoPro camera to it using 3D printed mount

Here are some examples of demonstration that can be collected using it

Replication of same tool on robot

We attached the Reacher-Grabber using 3D printed mount to the robot and actuate it using dynamixel motor

Task 1: Pushing

Collected ~1000 demonstration data

Execution on real robot

Policy view for pushing

Task 2: Stacking

Collected demonstrations data

Execution on real robot

Policy view for stacking

Robust to external disturbance

Our closed-loop policies also work with human disturbances

CAD models of mount used in project

CAD model mounted on stick to collect data
CAD model used for mounting stick on robot

Paper and Bibtex

[Paper]  [ArXiv]

Sarah Young, Dhiraj Gandhi, Shubham Tulsiani, Abhinav Gupta, Pieter Abbeel, Lerrel Pinto. Visual Imitation Made Easy

    title={Visual Imitation Made Easy},
    author={Sarah Young and Dhiraj Gandhi and Shubham Tulsiani and Abhinav Gupta and Pieter Abbeel and Lerrel Pinto},